
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Student Teaching Days

I'm beginning to upload photos of art projects I've taught over the last 6 years. I guess it makes sense to me to start back in the beginning...the days of student teaching. I was very blessed to have great master teachers that really mentored me in my teacher training and bravely relinquished their classrooms to me. (I'm not sure that I could ever have a student teacher because I'm too much of a control freak in my classroom).

My first art project that I completely planned and taught on my own was with 8th graders. I saw this idea from another teacher and adjusted it to fit the level of my students and turned it into an art history project. I must say that this project would have never been successful without the help of my master teacher (thank you Andrea!) There definitely needed to be two adults on hand to supervise and keep the students on task.

Initial Artists (2006)
The premise of this project was to teach the kids about 20th century art history. They were given a brief introduction to about 30 different artists and their artwork. (Students selected one of those artist to research and choose a piece of art to recreate. They began by drawing the letter of the artist's initial (first or last name) and cut it out of cardboard. Next they constructed the letter into a box and paper mached the surface. They then painted gesso, sketched the painting to wrap around the box and finally painted it with acrylic paint. Students also created a web page with the research on their artist and then presented their Initial Artist to the class.

The projects turned out fantastic and were on display for the school's art show. The students loved it, parents loved it, teachers loved it. It took about a month to create with the help of two art teachers. I have sense made this project two more times with high school students.

                                                        This was my teacher example

**As with any art project I post please email me if you have questions about materials used, processes, or if you would like lesson plans.    You can also ask questions in the comment section below each post.**

1 comment:

  1. I have been browsing through your blog and you have really inspired me. I work at a school as the only art teacher and sometimes feel drained of fresh ideas. Thank you
