
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Paper Mache Bowls (2010)

My Junior High art students learned about sculpture by making paper mache bowls. (I saw this project idea on Artsonia). Each student used a Styrofoam bowl as a mold and I placed a piece of tin foil inside the bowl. Students then paper mached the inside of the bowl mold by using thin strips of newspaper dipped in Elmer's glue. They paper mached 3 layers making sure the bowl was thick enough to hold it's form. Students then cut pieces of tissue paper and applied it in color sections to create the design on their bowl. Students painted a thin layer of Elmer's glue on the paper mach and applied the tissue paper. Most students did 2-3 layers of tissue paper until the newspaper underneath couldn't be seen. Lastly, students painted a layer of mod podge on both sides of their bowl to seal it and make it have a glossy surface.

**As with any art project I post please email me if you have questions about materials used, processes, or if you would like lesson plans. You can also ask questions in the comment section below each post.**

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