
Friday, April 20, 2012

Op Art Cube (2012)

My 6th Grade students learned about Op Art by studying the artwork of Bridget Riley. They had to design 6 different optical illusions to cover the sides of a paper cube. I was inspired by this pinterest idea here. I made a template for the students to trace on 12x18 in drawing paper. Each side of the cube was 4x4 in. Students drew 6 small rough drafts in their sketchbook, traced the template on big paper, and then drew their designs in each square. Projects were colored with markers and then folded and glued together. I used fishing line to hang the projects in our school stairwell.

**As with any art project I post please email me if you have questions about materials used, processes, or if you would like lesson plans. You can also ask questions in the comment section below each post.**

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