
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Animated House (2008)

Students created an animated house intended for a specific environment.  Houses needed to be enclosed
with walls and a roof.  Houses should've have at least two windows and a door and included details of
the intended environment.  Houses needed to have a minimum of three textures and at least two
pieces of clay connected together.

This was the first ceramic project that I taught. I remember a student sculpted a chicken themed house that
had little chicken feet supporting the house and it was the best sculpture in the class. She placed it on the
top shelf of the ware cart and those little chicken feet were just a little bit unbalanced. As I was moving
projects from the bottom shelf I rocked the cart just enough to tip that chicken house over. That baby came
falling off the top shelf, landed on my head, and knocked me clean out. If that wasn't bad enough it happened
in front of a class full of of which was the girl who made the chicken house. Many kids ran
to me to make sure I was ok, a couple ran to the office to tell them I passed out, and the girl that made the
project was in tears because it broke apart when it landed  on my head. lol. Ceramics can be a dangerous
venture. I learned to always move the projects off the top shelf first.

                                                                   The infamous Chicken House

                                                              Below was the replacement sculpture
                                                      of chicken house....which turned out awesome!

**As with any art project I post please email me if you have questions about materials used, processes, or if you would like lesson plans. You can also ask questions in the comment section below each post.**

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